The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90497   Message #1719754
Posted By: Charley Noble
16-Apr-06 - 07:33 PM
Thread Name: Tune Req: Any good tunes about Landladys
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Any good tunes about Landladys

That's an unusual one. Is it recent?

I thought I had them all!

Here's one writen by tenant organizers in Ann Arbor in the 1970's to a familiar tune:

Written by Dale Cohen & Hugh McGuinness © 1981
Tenant organizers from the university town of Ann Arbor, Michigan
Tune: inspired by "Love Me, I'm a Liberal" by Phil Oches

Love Me, I'm Your Landlord

I remember when I was a tenant,
I remember the strife and the pain;
I swore to reform the system,
That produced such ill-gotten gain,
So now that I'm your landlord,
You've no reason left to complain –
So love me, love me, love me,
I'm your landlord!

I helped form the first tenants union,
For that I should get a gold star;
I love each one of my tenants,
I even lend them my car;
But this talk about rent control,
That's going a bit too far...

I cried when my tenants had no heat,
Tears ran down my spine;
I mourned when that old furnace broke down,
As though I'd lost a grandparent of mine;
But, you know, they had it coming,
When they were late with the rent last time...

I cheered when old Epstein was rent struck,
My faith in the system restored;
And I'm glad that Trony went bankrupt,
They charged rents no one could afford,
And I love each one of my tenants,
But I hope that they don't move next door...

Oh, those people who work for McKinley,
Should all hang their heads in shame;
I don't understand how their minds work –
Property maintenance is part of the game;
But if you ask me to roll back my rents,
I'll have the cops take down your name...

Charley Noble