The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90547   Message #1719930
Posted By: GUEST,Art Thieme
16-Apr-06 - 11:51 PM
Thread Name: Is folk music selling out?
Subject: RE: Is folk music selling out?

And from my perch, Judy is one of the good young ones. === Granted, I don't get out much to where I can hear what's happening these days. From a picking standpoint, I do know that young folks are doing old-timey music exceptionally well--and they are doing it all over the place. What I'm saying partly is that I miss the word loving folks. --- Individual songsters: Paul Clayton, Jack Elliott, Jim Ringer, Katy Lee, Sam Hinton, early Bob Gibson, Allan Mills--people who sang the story songs that let us glimpse the life then---showed how we got from then to now. When Judy Cook does those songs it's transporting. Debbie McClatchy too for her California and gold rush songs. Kendall Morse does it too. The Tom Rush Prestige albums. Woody. Glen Ohrlin. Ewan MacColl and Bert Lloyd. Jeanie Robertson, Sandy Paton. Pete's LP of ballads of New York state on Folkways. And also his American Industrial Ballads---also on Folkways. Trad historical songs of Pittsburgh and Pennsylvania as sung by Vivian Richman.

These were ALL folksingers as I like to use the word. And it's the way I did the music too---I hope. ------------

It's late and I'm rambling.

Yes, I'm sure there are good pickers.

Art Thieme