The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89208   Message #1720056
Posted By: *daylia*
17-Apr-06 - 06:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: zodiac/star signs.. do you believe?
Subject: RE: BS: zodiac/star signs.. do you believe?
but he shore missed the boat on that! I really, truly do NOT concern myself much with other's motivation

Bill, you spend most of your time here faultfinding and blasting other people's beliefs where they differ from your own. If you spent a bit of time in silence instead, pondering yourself and your own feelings you'd sound much more impressive. You might even find you have something interesting abd truly valuable to contribute to threads like these, for once!

It negates my background in Philosophy and logic, which ARE relevant in noting that Jung's writings outside his field are only 'interesting'...much as Einstein's are outside physics and math.

You know nothing of [psychology, Jung, his research or writings, his work with astrology, astrology in general, or even about your own inner self Bill - therefore, your opinions on these subject are worth about the same as my cat's.

But then again, I've just watched you make 3 flailing, failing attempts to accuse me of same, so you obviously don't have much of a clue about that either. You are, however, very good at allowing bias and strong emotion blind you to the truth. How about finding fault with Beethoven's 9th Symphony using the principles of logic instead? That might be even more entertaining to watch!

I would have just said "fine...amuse yourself".

How arrogant! I, for one, don't want or need your approval or your permission about anything in my life. Do you think the whole world waits on your little okey dokeys?

But what I see is claims - both explicit and implict - that the positions of astronomical bodies at my birth has some real, genuine, demonstratable relationship to my personality and character, and therefore my 'potential'

YEs it does, and your own chart descriptions and behaviour on this thread are excellent - and most amusing! - examples of astrology's amazing accuracy. So thank you again for posting -- keep it up!