The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90532   Message #1720265
Posted By: folk1e
17-Apr-06 - 12:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: Nuke vs. Fossil Elec/Cost-Benefit?
Subject: RE: BS: Nuke vs. Fossil Elec/Cost-Benefit?
"Once the system tips, the Gulf Stream will stop flowing, for a while -"
Call me a sad overoptomistic git..... but this is to stop the Gulfstream stopping!!
If we let that happen then we are REALY in the "brown & smelly"
MarkS.... how do we get a concensus on how much we need untill we know the cost?
If we live in a capitalistic ecconomic world (and we do) the obvious way foreward is to give guaranteed sales of "Green Power" and to instigate a steadily increasing cost (tax) to the poluters!
Or we can sit round with our heads in the sand untill our arses get burned!
Your move....