The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72820   Message #1720722
Posted By: GUEST,Peter McCall
17-Apr-06 - 10:09 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Hev Yew Gotta Loight Boy? (A Smethurst)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Hev Yew Gotta Loight Boy? (A Smethurst)
This is with the broad Norfolk dialect. I think I may have gone over the top a bit though.

OI had a gal, a reallie noice gal, down in Wroxham way.
She were hoolly noice to me back in thur owl' school days.
She would smile all thur while, bu' Daddy din' know all.
waa she used to say to me ahoind thur garden wall:
"Hev yow go' a loigh', boo-i? Hev yow go' a loigh'?"

Then one day she wen' away. OI doon' see her noo more,
'Til by chance OI see her down along thur Mundesley shore.
She woos there twice bairn uz fair. Would she now be true?
So when she sees me passin' by, she say, "I'm glad that's yow!
Hev yow go' a loigh', boo-i? Hev yow go' a loigh'?"

CHORUS: Mollie Windley, she smokes like a chimbley,
Bu' she's moi little nicotine gal.

Now you'll see her and me navver more to par'.
We would wander hand in hand agatha in thur dark.
Then one noight OI held her stark in thur owl' back yard.
So when OI tried to 'owld her clooss, she say, "Now, 'owld yow hard!
Hev yow go' a loigh', boo-i? Hev yow go' a loigh'?" CHORUS

By and by, we decide on thur weddin' day,
So we toddles orff to chaach to hare thur preacher say:
"Do yow now tairke this vow to honooor all thur toime?"
Afore OI has a chance to stop her, she begins to pine:
"Hev yow go' a loigh', boo-i? hev yow go' a loigh'?" CHORUS

Now thur doctor tells me a daddy OI will be,
So when OI ax him, "What's thur score?" he say there's oolly tree.
So 'are OI goo, chairioo, to see hew she do fare.
OI know waa she will say to me uz soon uz OI gi' there:
"Hev yow go' a loigh', boo-i?"