The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93494   Message #1720900
Posted By: Sandra in Sydney
18-Apr-06 - 05:55 AM
Thread Name: Review: National Folk Festival, Canberra, 2006
Subject: RE: Review: National Folk Festival, Canberra, 2006
I didn't see Dick Gaughan & El Greko in the Union Concert, cos it clashed with another MUST SEE, but I was also told by somone who was there that Dick Gaughan's songs seemed very angry, perhaps because it was a union-themed concert. Anyway I'll be seeing him at The Harp on Friday. (Jerry - are you aware that George is El Greko?)

I was talking to a volunteer who said everyone was telling her she must see El Greko. I didn't get much of a chance to talk to him during the festival, so I don't know how his concerts went, but this unsolicited testimony from an unknown volunteer sounds promising. I do know Cloudstreet had him on stage adding harmony to some of their tracks. I'm listening to his new CD & also have Cloudstreet's latest in my 12 new CDs

I'm currently playing through my new CDs, just finished the wonderful 'An Audience with the Shiny Bum Singers' where 4 songs were recorded at my folk club 'The Loaded Dog' in 2003 - were you part of the audience that night, Jerry? Occasional Mudcatter Canberra Chris is a founder of the Bums & recorded all the tracks. Lots of great new music to somehow fit on my shelves.

Highlights for me were the Bums' performances (natch, I'm their greatest fan!!), the late night Singing Sessions, the shanties & seasongs (Danny Spooner has a new CD - The Great Leviathan - songs of the whaling industry)

One night in the singing room a bloke interrupted to say he was a sound engineer doing sound at one of the venues, & praising the room as a live acoustic venue. He was happy wondering around the room listening, and asked for something louder to really show off the acoustics.

Visiting US & UK artists said the Festival was bigger & better than festivals they are accustomed to.

We had lovely sunny days & frost at night on Sat & Sun, tho Mon night was much warmer. I took pics of the frost on someone's table & the grass, and the sheet of ice on a pan of water. I was toasty warm in my van.