The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90241   Message #1720938
Posted By: Mr Happy
18-Apr-06 - 07:13 AM
Thread Name: Easter MudFolk Peak District:Come on!
Subject: RE: Easter MudFolk Peak District:Come on!
Greetings & Many Thanks to all who attended & made the events from Fri night to Sun night so fantastic & memorable.

I'm hoping during this summer, me & fiends can get around to your local events, Leek, Ashover etc.

Also lots thanks to Mad O'Tim for coercing fellow folky fiends from around his end & elsewhere to come for compulsory hedonism & alcoholic self abuse.

Georgie & Jed, I checked out your webpage

Your sesh looks fab!

I'll be co-ordinating with Tim to try to fix up a similar event before too long.

Once again one & all a BIG CHEERS! & Ta to everybody!!