The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89208   Message #1721202
Posted By: Little Hawk
18-Apr-06 - 12:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: zodiac/star signs.. do you believe?
Subject: RE: BS: zodiac/star signs.. do you believe?
Heh! We are both objecting to the other setting up "straw men" to bolster his argument, Bill. It figures.

People who debate, I find, are constantly misconstruing the thoughts and intentions of their opponent, and this has been the case ever since the dawn of human life, I expect.

Astrology? I don't give a toot about it. I'm just wondering why you homed in on it and why you give it such importance that you are willing to spend this amount of time on this thread talking about it. I think it indicates either a resistance to something. That's why people show up on a thread repeatedly. They either have an attraction to something or a resistance to something, and the thread triggers the reaction.

You appear to have a resistance to a lot of things that are a bit unusual (to you). I've noticed that, and I am trying to figure out why it matters so much to you. That's what I'd like to know.

I mean, hell, I don't sit around worrying about whether a politician is being influenced by astrology! ;-) I don't really give a damn about that. I worry about whether he's being influenced by corporate lobbyists, banks, military contractors, political crusaders of a fanatical nature, people with plans to conquer the word, that sort of thing...

That's because I have a slightly different set of resistance points, probably, to what you do...different in their order of urgency, I mean... ;-)

I regard astrology as a very, very trivial issue in the general scheme of things, and I do not feel threatened by the fact that some people rely on it heavily. I don't wish to control those people and convince them that astrology is not valid. What business would that be of mine? I'd rather leave them alone to be happy in the way that suits them. Live and let live.

How about you? Will you leave people alone to enjoy their astrology in peace or would you rather devote another 60,000 words to convincing them they are "wrong"?