The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90367   Message #1721680
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
19-Apr-06 - 04:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: Errol Flynn's willy and General Custer
Subject: RE: BS: Errol Flynn's willy and General Custer
Interest in Errol and his thing seems to on the wane, and I never did get an answer to the original question. I think it highly probable that nobody knows. Its one of them things, we'll never know. Did Hollywood sanction his flashing, or just not notice....?

However I am cheered by the fact that Mrs Custer has at last been unmasked as the murderer, and that an indeterminate number of terribly attractive Indians in their tough combat loin cloths have had their names cleared of this heinous act.

Justice has been a long time coming.

A fair precis.....?