The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90547   Message #1722041
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
19-Apr-06 - 03:05 PM
Thread Name: Is folk music selling out?
Subject: RE: Is folk music selling out?
Surely the whole point about traditional folk is that it was NOT preserved in books, but passed orally from one generation to the next down the years (in many cases several hundred years), before collectors compiled their books.

That surely implies a high degree of "popularity". Can you imagine yourself saying to your children "Here's a song I don't really like" and then expecting them to sing it, and pass it on to their kids.

I should think it will be easier with current songs, precisely because of written records.

Having said that, I agree that some other word would be an advantage, since "popular" has come to mean something quite at odds with its dictionary definition in the context of music.

I just can't think what that word might be.

Don T.