The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #17749   Message #172226
Posted By: Peter T.
02-Feb-00 - 09:23 AM
Thread Name: Thought for the Day - Feb 2
Subject: Thought for the Day - Feb 2
Yesterday, I was at a regional TV station taping a 2 minute editorial for an interfaith channel. The editorial is about the situation in Tibet, the supineness of my government, and so on. It is a topic I get worked up about. I do the editorial. The camera angle is wrong. I do the editorial. I run 10 seconds over. I do the editorial. Halfway through a camera crashes somewhere else in the building. I do the editorial. Something is wrong with the lighting. I am now on the 5th version of this, and I hate everything about it. I hate the words, my voice, the fake emotion which was true emotion 4 versions ago. We go again. I have a bronchial fit halfway through. I wish I had never heard of Tibet. Finally, on take 9, the fakest take of all, my voice cold in fake anger and consummate self-righteousness, topped off with suave journalist punctuation, we get it. As I am leaving, the producer comes out and says: "Don't worry, the last take was the best." And I worry all the way home.