The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90673   Message #1722523
Posted By: Barry Finn
20-Apr-06 - 02:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: suicide bomber murders 9 in Tel Aviv
Subject: RE: BS: suicide bomber murders 9 in Tel Aviv
C. Ham; "Thus sayeth Barry Finn, a resident of New Hampshire, a state built on land stolen from the Indians and whose Indian population now totals just 1/5th of 1% of the population.

BTW, New Hampshire is one of the most lilly white of all states with an African American population that totals just 7/10ths of 1% of the population."

Big Pink Lad; "Yeah, I heard that was Barry's fault."

Thanks Big Pink Lad for saying something in my favor, I was afraid C.Ham's rebuttal may cause others to think that I was pond scum because of my living in this one small area in this one small state throws a shadow of doubt on all that I may say. You can bet I'm glad I don't own a 2nd home some where else in the USA.

C. Ham; "I'm not suggesting it's his fault. What I'm pointing out is the hypocrisy of attacking Israel, a small country facing terrorism on a daily basis, while living off the fruits of similar or worse expoloitation to what the person is attacking.

My house too is on land that once belonged to the Indians."

C. Ham, I didn't relize that the Isreal/Palestinian conflict was in part related to me. I also didn't know & still don't know what fruits I'm living off of & who they belong to. I also didn't relize that the ethnic population & the percentages of the Peoples of the First Nation & the Afro Americans had to do with any of this or why this involves me in the exploitation of these peoples & why do these things have any thing to do with me or the Irsael/Palestinian conflict?

Thanks C. Ham for some how making me aware that I have some blame in all this because of where I live.

Now, what was your point?

C. Ham, you still have not stated your reasons for the justifaction of the means, the killing of innocents, that would make any of these deaths OK.
The state of Irsael is at war with the people of Palestine not the state of Palestine. The people of Palestine are not at war with state Israel only a group of terrorists are. The Israel Air Fource has it's own pilots refusing orders to fly missions that they consider to be acts "crimes against humanity". You might retort that the Palestinian government should step in. Why would they? Because Israel might treat them a little better than they've treated them in the past? Again, both have to stop the blood letting first, go back to pre 67' borders, end the oppression then talk, without US backing or involvement, we've been a pain in the asses of all involved & forget about a road map the President can even do the right thing never mind making a RIGHT turn. The parties or party that refuse to come to the table after all is done should suffer international sanctions then & only then & not sanction a party of popular choice now. Other wise it's a until death do us part for both peoples or the end of a nation of one people, & the world or at least the Middle East will demand justice.

Barry, who's still waiting for answers