The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90742   Message #1722564
Posted By: JohnInKansas
20-Apr-06 - 03:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: trouble logging in
Subject: RE: BS: trouble logging in
Most browsers can be set to accept or reject cookies. If you're set up to accept cookies it usually means that a 'cat cookie will remain on your machine for the next session here.

You usually can be set up to reject cookies, but enter a "permission" to accept cookies only from sites you list in an "accept" window. If mudcat is listed, the cookie you get when you log in should stay there for subsequent sessions.

A website can give you a "session cookie" that disappears when you leave the site. Few sites do this.

Most browsers can be set to accept "session cookies" only, in which case a "permanent" cookie like mudcat's should be deleted when you leave the site (or sometimes if you change pages on the site.

Some browsers can be set to delete all cookies when the browser is closed.

It's probably in Tools - Preferences or Security,(?) depending on which browser you use, and - if it's one of those funky ones, on which of the few hundred plug-ins you've selected.
