The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90739   Message #1722701
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
20-Apr-06 - 08:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP
The government is more than scared to admit the racism is instutional. Not just the UK government but all the worlds governments, big business, the established religions and anyone else in power.

While 'isms' is being fostered the populous will believe that many ills are the fault of Blacks, Moslems, Americans or whoever is out of favour in that particular corner of the globe. Unfortunately you are going to get people believing that certain political parties cause those problems as well. It is the Labour Party. It is Republicans. It is the BNP?

In all current societies, as far as I know, it is far easier to blame someone else than to take responsibility so we believe whoever tells the most plausible lies. Some people will believe Bush. Some people will believe Blair. Some will believe the Mullahs. Some the BNP. Some even believe me!

Until such a time as we can all govern ourselves, with due respect for everyone else, we are going to need someone in power. While there is someone in power there will be someone else to blame. While there is someone else to blame we are not going to take responsibilty. Catch 22.

When are we going to get this anarchistic paradise? I dunno. Not my job to predict these things...
