The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90367   Message #1723629
Posted By: The Walrus
21-Apr-06 - 06:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: Errol Flynn's willy and General Custer
Subject: RE: BS: Errol Flynn's willy and General Custer
"...Saw a doco about the Gallopoli fiasco - it seems the real problem was the geology, followed by the lack of accurate aerial survey maps (1915!) which resulted in poor planning. Churchill was responsible for this, and it haunted him the rest of his life: don't forget that he was obsessive about ensuring the D-Day landings were well planned..."

Matters weren't helped by the idea that the campaign should begin with the Navy starting the assault without the benefit of any troops other than the marines they carried (fine for raiding, but insufficient to hold ground) and before there were any soldiers available, thus providing a warning for the defenders not only of the possibility of attack, but also of the likely area of any such attack.

I wonder if this could have been one of the inspirations for the deception operations of D-Day?

This thread seems to have drifted a little.