The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90739   Message #1723671
Posted By: Grab
21-Apr-06 - 08:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP
The perception, fostered by the BNP and others is that immigrants get preferential treatment in housing and Social Services.
It is up to the government to set the facts straight on these calumnies.

Calumnies? I'd call them outright lies.

I wouldn't be surprised to see a few more people voting BNP. If you've been crapped on by the Tories and Labour both, and you've not gone to the trouble of finding out any facts, then you might pick the BNP. More likely though is that you'll end up with the Lib Dems, or UKIP. Probably not with the Greens, bcos that requires a principled stand and someone who can't be arsed to find out the facts won't do it.

Luckily it'll only be a few more people. I think we're underestimating what everyone knows about the BNP - which is that they *are* thugs and Nazis. The vast majority of the country won't touch them with a bargepole, any more than they'd vote for the local Marxist candidate.
