The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3459   Message #17243
Posted By:
07-Dec-97 - 01:07 AM
Thread Name: Filmed Blues Singers
Subject: Filmed Blues Singers
One day when TV was new and they used to fill in "holes" in the timetable with shorts, I saw a film of Leadbelly (I think singing "Pick a Bail of Cotton").

I have also read that Jimmie Rodgers made a film during the interval from whe sound technology was available to when "The Jazz Singer" was made.

Billie Holiday sings in the film "New Orleans". I saw it once, but I don't recall if she actually appears.

Some of the Blues singers that were still alive and rediscovered in the 60s (like Mississippi John Hurt) must have been filmed.

I would be interested in hearing about any other of the old timers that managed to be filmed.

Also, I would like to know if any of these have been copied to video tape, and can be bought.
