The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90532   Message #1724547
Posted By: The Fooles Troupe
22-Apr-06 - 07:46 AM
Thread Name: BS: Nuke vs. Fossil Elec/Cost-Benefit?
Subject: RE: BS: Nuke vs. Fossil Elec/Cost-Benefit?
Ah JohnInKansas

you mean we won't be suffocated by CO2, but strangled by red tape?

"This will increase each country's land mass, suitable for building thereon. This will make the oceans smaller but deeper."

Ah.... the mass of the volume of the water displaced will be equal to the mas of the blocks, so the water level will be higher - no need to sink them, the water will rise and swallow the coastlines faster than it is doing now.... And I think the energy cost of moving blocks big enough that the waves will not affect them might be rather large...

BTW, I have heard that animals and birds, having discovered the lack of human predators on the land near Chernobyl, are flocking there and turning into a sort of wildlife park - for the moment - dunno how long the critters can breed...