The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #17555   Message #172456
Posted By: Clinton Hammond2
02-Feb-00 - 03:50 PM
Thread Name: Help: Good modern folkies
Subject: RE: Help: Good modern folkies
Maybe I'm just the biggees THREAD CREEP here?

Love me, hate me, love to hate me...

Ya know what... I don't care one lick...

I've know a few words since I was a young boy, that are a lot worse than the things Peg called me, but I'm not going to use them...

Nothing is universal... Nothing is universally understood... what an ego one must have to expect that the whole world thinks and acts like oneself...

InOBU... thanks for discussing without slinging... But you know what you can do with yer soap eh?!?! LOL!!

"Ya shouldn't hang me on a hook. My mother once hung me on a hook. Once" -Johnny Dangerously-