The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #17612   Message #172496
Posted By: GUEST,BlueJay
02-Feb-00 - 05:23 PM
Thread Name: Getting fed up with 'guests'
Subject: RE: Getting fed up with 'guests'
Thanx kat/katlaughing, I'll join up. I don't have much time to peruse this site, but the few threads I have picked have been very stimulating and rewarding. To Rick Fielding, the original poster of this thread, I am a guest, and if you're talking Latin, I seem to have learned Latin. I'm probably too eager to divulge personal information, (what the hell, I live in a small town where everyone knows everything you do anyway), so your comments seem very reasonable. And Kat,(can I call you Kat), my three year old computer literate daughter wants to know how a cat can laugh.