The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90739   Message #1725903
Posted By: Mrs.Duck
24-Apr-06 - 06:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP
Well said Em! I always feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand when I hear the term 'Britishness'. We are a mixture of so many origins and are not even a single country. The cultures of Scotland, Wales, England and Ireland not to mention regional differences vary to such an extent that it is difficult to refer to 'Britishness' unless (as I fear in many cases) you are referring to white.
I enjoy the cultural tradtions of England, dance song and music but find myself in the minority as so many who talk of 'Britishness' want nothing to do with their own culture just to put down someone elses.