The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90739   Message #1726089
Posted By: Kweku
24-Apr-06 - 12:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP
Subject: RE: BS: For those who want to read about the BNP
Liberalism = allowing every Tom,Dick,Harry and Mary to get away with everything they want to do. because how can racist groups be allowed to operate in these modern times when the authorities know very well that these people are just anarchists. then it means that the authorities themselves are racist and love to see what is going on.

for an African it is sometimes incredible to hear of advanced countries having serious racist problems.because all we see on CNN and BBC is an angelic west with nothing wrong but everthing good.

if Mugabe says hey! Mr Briton give me my land back he is the worst leader the world has ever seen.but what about leaders who allow hate groups to thrieve.

what a hypocritical world.