The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88844   Message #1726416
Posted By: jacqui.c
24-Apr-06 - 06:55 PM
Thread Name: NEFFA 2006
Subject: RE: NEFFA 2006
All I can do is agree with those who have already posted. There were some amazing sets - I got to both of John Robert's workshops and am glad I did. Animaterra's Sing For Joy was incredible and it was such a lift to be able to sing with all those present.

The Parody workshop was brilliant and thanks to Deb O'Hanlan for sending me the "How Can I Stop From Eating' words that I wanted. There are a couple more that I need to beg from others, especially the parody on Streets of London from Mike Agranoff. Woodchuck's Revenge were definitely on my list and, Peter and Kris, I hope you appreciate the effort I put in to helping you do away with that bottle of champagne late Saturday night.

It was a real treat to listen to Sandy and Caroline Paton in their workshop on Saturday afternoon. Their voices sound so good together and they are a real delight to know. I treasure all the time that I can spend with them.

I must admit that spending the last eighteen months in Maine has made dealing with crowds a bit more difficult. Peter - I was thinking more of a machine gun, but I'm just downright nasty in those situations. It did get irritating when we came across groups of people catching up with friends and blocking doorways or halls so that there was just room for one person to pass. There was a lot of muttering under the breath and thoughts of getting Mr Agranoff's 10 ton Mollie to deal with the situation.

It was good to catch up with other 'Catters such as BBC, Animaterra, Jennifer Woods, the Chucks, Karen K, Dick and Susan, Anglo...... Never enough time for all the things that I would have liked to have done.

Just thank your lucky stars though that you did not have to witness SINSULL morris dancing with a pair of her bras. Seriously worrying, particularly since we were sharing a room and she was doing the driving. I was prepared, in Walmart, to explain the manager, if he asked about the blessing and sprinkling, that Mary had been 'away' for some time and that this was her first supervised trip out, to see if she could cope with freedom. Luckily that wasn't necessary - they're probably used to such things there.