The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90750   Message #1726586
Posted By: Janie
24-Apr-06 - 11:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: The History of England part one.
Subject: RE: BS: The History of England part one.
The famous historian, BWL, is acknowledged as the leading scholar on matters relating to the kilt. (It was he who discovered and translated the ancient stone tablets found in the hills above Loch Ness. These tablets revealed that the Picts were one of the lost tribes of Israel. When the tribes went down to Eygpt, the leader of one tribe misheard the instructions. As a result, he lead his people to the English Channel instead.)

But I digress. Back to kilts. Over time, it was recognized that sheep were a lot less treacherous to deal with, and kilts began to be made more commonly of wool. After several centuries it was no longer remembered that kilts were originally bearhide. It was not until BWL published his translation of the first stone tablet that we finally began to understand how the tradition of being bare under the kilt evolved. Over time 'bear hide kilt' and transformed and transposed into 'kilt hide bare.'
