The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90921   Message #1726590
Posted By: Rapparee
24-Apr-06 - 11:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Screw ups...
Subject: RE: BS: Screw ups...
WELL! **I** have never, ever screwed up! I mean, I have done a very few teensy-weensy errors, like firing a 12 gauge shotgun into a dresser in the bedroom or mixing ammonia and chlorine bleach inside a friend's car or trying to pour gasoline out of a gas can onto a smoldering fire or saving time by removing the drain plug in the bottom of the boat before we reached shore, but nothing major. No, my life has been a veritable plethora of non-screwups. And I can truthfully say that even with the exceeding few times I **might** have been in error in some small way or another no one got hurt or killed. Some people used to twitch a lot when they were around me, but I put it down to nervous conditions and over the years fewer and fewer people twitch around me. Of course, several of those that did have since died...through no fault of mine, I hasten to add.