The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87878   Message #1727368
Posted By: autolycus
25-Apr-06 - 05:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: First Joke thread for 2006
Subject: RE: BS: First Joke thread for 2006
A vicar and a rabbi used to meet each wednesday on their bikes.

One wed.,the vicar riding along, comes upon the rabbi on foot.

"where's your bike,rabbi?"

"Dunno. Just dunno."

"Well I lost my bike once so the following sunday, instead of my sermon,I read out the ten commandments. Coming out of church after the service, there was my bike. Obviously 'Thou shall not steal' pricked someone's conscience."

"I'll try it,"thus the rabbi.

The following wed., the vicar, cycling al;ong, meets the rabbi back on his bike.

"I see you've got your bike back.Did you try the sermon idea?,"asked the vicar.

"I certainly did, and when I got to 'Thou shall not commit adultery, ' THEN I remembered where I'd left it."
