The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90953   Message #1727604
Posted By: Little Hawk
25-Apr-06 - 11:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Only for them who've never posted here.
Subject: BS: Only for them who've never posted here.
It's time that all the people who have NEVER in their whole lives up until this thread, posted to a thread to Mudcat....(And there are, shockingly, MILLIONS of such people, poor souls!)...time that those people had a thread all prepared just for THEM.

Yes, millions have not posted to the Mudcate Forum. There are people who don't know and don't care. There are people who wouldn't care if they did know. There are people who want to, desperately, but they just haven't been able to summon up the nerve to take that first big step.

There are people, like John Lennon, who can't because they're dead.

There are people not born yet who must wait their time until they get the chance.

There are people who have lives, and must attend to them, which is why they don't show up here every day like most of us regulars do.

Well, this thread is for all those people. Lose your Mudcat virginity HERE and NOW!

Needless to say, it is not for those many regulars and many Guests who have posted on this forum before, so I do not expect to see any posts here from YOU! No sir. Just stay away. Hands off that keyboard. You know who you are, and you know what I mean, so don't do it.

I know, you'll say..."What about you, Little Hawk?" Well, it was my idea, and someone had to start it. I am that someone.

Okay. Are we there yet? Everybody ready?

Let's see who drops in and posts on Mudcat Cafe for the very first time!