The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80235   Message #1727746
Posted By: GUEST,Derek F
26-Apr-06 - 07:15 AM
Thread Name: Chord Req: 3 Songs - All Scottish
Subject: RE: Chord Req: 3 Songs - All Scottish
Hope this helps... As happened with the posting from Jack I dont know if chords will look right when posted.
The Janny Song - Billy Connolly

D                                                 G                         D
When I was wee I used tae hiv a nightmare every night
                                       E                      A
I woke up screamin jist before the monster took a bite
G                          D          G                      D
He wore a blue serge outfit wi buttons shiny n bright
                         A D
I lived in terror o the janny

Oh the janny aye the janny
He nearly drove me mad
E                                       A
He'd shop me tae the teachers any time that I was bad,
I wish that he'd retire or die or move tae Garngad,
      D                                 A D
Ma hearts near broke wi the janny

D                                         G                      D
I mind wan summer evening I was playing on the street
                                E                A
A simple game a fitba wi ma sannies on ma feet
G                D               G                     D
I hit the baw a stoater an it soared away a treat
                                       A D
The last thing on ma mind wis the janny

D                                       G                        D
Noo I don't look fur trouble but I seem tae get ma share
                                         E                  A
The baw went sailin skywards slowly curvin in the air
G                      D                              G                D
The last thing I remember there wis plate glass everywhere
                                 A D
And guess who saw me the janny

Oh the janny aye the janny
He nearly drove me mad
E                                       A
He'd shop me tae the teachers any time that I was bad,
I wish that he'd retire or die or move tae Garngad,
      D                                 A D
Ma hearts near broke wi the janny

D                                                          G                     D
First thing on Monday morning I was sent for by the head
                                         E                            A
And he hit me wi his leather belt till I wished that I was dead
G                       D                G                   D
I swore I'd get the janny and choke him in his bed
                           A D
I wis gonny murder the janny

D                                                            G                   D
Well nine years later I left school and I got myself a job
                                 E                      A
It felt a million dollars just tae huv a couple a bob
G                               D                           G                    D
I wis oot the road of the traffic didnae need tae steal or rob
                                              A D
And I've yet tae see a shipyerd wi a janny

Oh the janny aye the janny
He nearly drove me mad
E                                       A
He'd shop me tae the teachers any time that I was bad,
I wish that he'd retire or die or move tae Garngad,
      D                                 A D
Ma hearts near broke wi the janny

D                                                            G                     D
One night on my way hame fae work I nipped in for a pint
                                                E                     A
Somethin glistened in the corner of my eye jist oot of sight
G                 D         G                              D
I saw it wis the janny I prepared myself tae fight
                         A D
I wis gonny murder the janny

D                                                            G                      D
Well the next thing I remember he wis staunin next tae me
                                    E                     A
He wisnae such a big bloke only five fit two or three
G                    D                     G                                         D
If I'd laid a hand upon him ma mates would've murdered me
                         A D
A poor wee soul is the janny

Oh the janny aye the janny
He nearly drove me mad
E                                       A
He'd shop me tae the teachers any time that I was bad,
Im gled he's no retired or dead or livin in Garngad,
D                         A D    G D
A poor wee soul is the janny