The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13509 Message #1727824
Posted By: Wolfgang
26-Apr-06 - 09:29 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Viva La Quince Brigada (Christy Moore?)
Subject: RE: Origins: Viva La Quince Brigada (Christy Moore
Viva la quince brigada Viva la quinta brigada
You see the difference? 'Quince' is 'fifteenth' and 'quinta' is 'fifth'. Christy Moore sings audible 'quinta' and 'fifth international brigade' and has it in this version on his website.
Wikipedia (and the DT by the way) interestingly reprints Christy Moore's song and changes both the title and the lyrics into 'fifteenth' without commenting that change. As far as I can see wikipedia is historically correct and Christy Moore is wrong.
The two songs are completely different. I interpret Christy Moore as quoting (rather misquoting) the old song title in his new song.