The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90535   Message #1728016
Posted By: Stringsinger
26-Apr-06 - 12:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Do you need to be censored?
Subject: RE: BS: Do you need to be censored?
I do not. Nor do you. That's what I like about Mudcat. If however either one of us becomes abusive, mean or grossly insulting, we are wasting everyone's time and in that case Joe has the right and duty to call it. It's the issue of yelling "fire" in the movie theater. There is a point when the "freedom of speech" doesn't apply. Someone has to make this determination and I think Joe does a good job here.

I think legitimate criticisms are in order and disagreements should be accepted wholeheartedly. Calling people dirty names doesn't qualify as legitimate as a rule. And it doesn't contribute a damned thing.

Pornographic references to people as fecal matter or using descriptions that are abusive and directly insulting serves no one.
In this case, someone such as Joe has the right to intervene.

I believe though that punches should not be pulled when it comes to criticism and if done in a creative, descriptive manner that doesn't rely on personal attacks to anyone that posts here, that's legitimate.

I don't want to be called an "ass-hole" or any other fecal name and I don't believe it serves anyone of us if this is done to us.

Regarding certain people who I will not name, those that use this type of discourse, I will continue to discount anything they have to say.

Frank Hamilton