The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90921   Message #1728371
Posted By: Bill D
26-Apr-06 - 08:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: Screw ups...
Subject: RE: BS: Screw ups...
I almost forgot this one:

In 1975-77 I worked at The Yard Store in Wichita, Kans. They dealt in all sorts of stuff, as you'd see from the page...but being in Wichita, they had surplus stuff from Boeing, Beech and Cessna to pick thru occasionally. I made a number of trips to Boeing, especially, to get surplus and scrap Aluminum and other sheet metal.

One day the BOSS told me to get out the flatbed truck and HE would go with me to Boeing to get some scrap...(uh-oh...the boss' nickname was Baby Huey, after the BIG animated cartoon character who bumbled along clumsily and caused havoc.)....anyway, we got there, and the BOSS, hurriedly (because he HATED having to pay overtime) 'helped' me throw (not stack neatly) a huge batch of sheets of galvanized iron and a few of Aluminum on the back of the truck.
Away we went....with BOSS driving, since he was BOSS. (He almost never drove that truck). We wended our way thru the Boeing maze ok...slowly, as there was no other way with all the gates and turns...but when we got to the access road leading to the highway, he ummmm...increased the pressure of his foot on the accelerator.....and there was this curve.
"Gary, take it eas..." I tried to say, but I was FAR too late. Centrifugal force will have its way...and several hundred lbs. of sheet metal went schlooooping off the right side of the truck, taking out the 2-3 2X4s that were all he had used to guard things...NO chains, NO ropes, NO metal-reinforced sides..(sitting on the ground back at the store).

He strewed that metal all OVER that road...neatly blocking the entire exit from the plant! "Oh, gosh" I believe he said...and out we clambered, collecting the stuff from FAR more messy circumstances than we had just an hour earlier. This time, after a half-hour of tedious lugging and lifting, I carefully made sure the piles were STACKED, not 'piled in heaps' and 'suggested' that I might drive back....which I did at a pretty slow clip with very slow accelerations.

It made a new story to regale the other guys at the store with about being 'helped' by the BOSS.