The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90990   Message #1729715
Posted By: Bill D
28-Apr-06 - 11:32 PM
Thread Name: Tech: Posting in fonts.
Subject: RE: Tech: Posting in fonts.
My webmeister? talk 'him' into something? Now you have truly lost me..*grin*...I have Comcast cable, and I have an enormous bureaucracy as a webmeister. I'm not sure how setting 'slip', John, but you use computers and deal with settings everyday, I gather, so you may have occasion to re-set things more than I would.

I don't 'need' anything more than I have, at least I don't think so...I was just trying some 'different' characters now & then....and often I get conformation that others see them too. The first time I tried it was when 'Giok' MacKenzie used the little smiley face ☺ (do you see it? ) I did 'view source' and saw the code he had used(Alt-1 or 9786)....I did a search on that code, found the web page I mention above, and made myself a copy and learned a few of them.

It is my understanding that if you post a character that is not in the default font for someone else, it just wont show....but that most browsers set a default font that DOES have most characters available.

I have 'Palatino Linotype' set as the display font in one browser..(kinda pretty), but I get the same results when I use good old Times New Roman or Georgia (a standard Microsoft issue).

(and you know, I'm not sure anyone understands anything I type anyway...*wry grin*)

pause while I explore the web page:

but, now, I see that several of those characters do NOT show...either in my 'saved' copy, or the original web that may mean that Palatino is NOT reproducing everything.....but I just used it the other day to post the male & female characters - I thought.

Well...I shall do some tests with several different fonts (not posting by specifying them, but just as display in the browser.) I love interesting fonts, but I need to explain to myself what is happening, so I don't foolishly expect others to see characters they can't handle.

Technology! When I lived in Wichita, I acquired an old platen press in working order, and used to buy type at the Missouri Central Type Foundry..(like..on 9th St?)...when I discovered TTF on computers, I was in heaven...but it seems a mixed blessing..*grin*....still fun to print with, whether I can show them to others or not.