The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91125   Message #1731039
Posted By: Amos
30-Apr-06 - 11:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bushites Suppress Dissent in America
Subject: BS: Bushites Suppress Dissent in America
This story is not the first example in which public dissent, once an honored freedom, is now met with organized oppression. In this case, a youth band wearing "inappropriate" tee shirts. Remember when the Keystone Cops gave Cindy Sheehan the bum's rush because she was wearing a shirt they disapproved of?
This is not 'keeping public order'. There was no disorder. Just a statement which some twisted mall managerette couldn't handle.

I suspect there are lots of stories ike this one out there. Recall what happened to the Dixie Chicks when they opened their mouths? Oh, and "Free Speech Zones" where dissenters are corraled out of sight so their "free" speech becomes meaningless?

As a people, we are becoming seriously lax about the defense of freedom.

What's worse, we are becoming seriously nutsoid about reducing it in reactionary ways.

Here's a thread to those who speak out, and get hit in the chops for it, in the home of the brave.