The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91125   Message #1731219
Posted By: Donuel
01-May-06 - 10:13 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bushites Suppress Dissent in America
Subject: RE: BS: Bushites Suppress Dissent in America
When W and staff go on the road and have to stay in a hotel the standing rule they impose on the hotel is that all publicly visible TV screens (lobby etc.) must show FOX news network.

When Air Force 1 carries any reporters it is reported that only one TV show is ever broadcast. Can you guess what it is?

When speaking at college graduating ceremonies the standing order is that the University must first agree to EXPEL any student caught protesting against Bush at the event and never allow said student to graduate.

This regieme only needs to silence between 5 and 15% of protesters as well as any mention of the protest to be able to create an appearence of normalcy. This number game is similar to needing only a 30% approval rating to win the election since over one third of the people don;t vote and even if they did all one need do is disenfranchise or lose 5 to 15% of votes suspected of being oppositional.