The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90750   Message #1731353
Posted By: Chief Chaos
01-May-06 - 02:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: The History of England part one.
Subject: RE: BS: The History of England part one.
Scientists have also just discovered evidence of a pictish aqueduct leading from Liverpool to lower Scottland. Pictish writing on the blue tinged stone has been deciphered and tells of the picts finding a superb source of blue dye near the area of today's Liverpool. In order to transport the woad made from this source the aqueduct was erected. The aqueduct was routed so as to avoid any troubles with changes in elevation causing many twists and turns and adding many miles to it's length. The valuable woad had to be protected from any marauders and therefore young male picts were ordered to patrol the length of the aqueduct. Unfortunately when the Romans invaded and observed that the aqueduct was of superior design and beauty compared to their own. In a jealous rage they destroyed it and did their best to remove all traces. Though the destruction was complete they failed in the attempt as the aqueduct was enshrined in history through the song, "The Long and Winding Woad"