The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91038   Message #1731911
Posted By: JohnInKansas
02-May-06 - 06:00 AM
Thread Name: BS: Rewriting prehistory - new dates
Subject: RE: BS: Rewriting prehistory - new dates
In the latest Smithsonian magazine, an article titled Dinosaur Shocker reports that an archeologist believes that remnants of soft tissue have been found in fossil remains of a 68 million year old (carefully dated) T. Rex skeleton recently recovered from Montana..

While this doesn't change history, it is a bit of a shock, since it has been so generally believed that all the soft tissue decays and/or disintegrates as the bones fossilize that apparently nobody ever thought to look.

There's also the minor point that the "looking" requires the destruction of small pieces of the fossil, which in most cases the scientists who have a fossil are reluctant to do.

While this rather startling development offers, in the view of a few scientists, an opportunity to learn more about extinct creatures, a small and rather vocal group of non-scientists known as "young earth theorists" have latched gleefully on the arcaheologists reports to declare that:

"Since everybody knows that soft tissue rots rapidly this proves that the dinosaurs are no more than a few thousand years old and neither is the earth." (Paraphrased of course.)

Sometimes it doesn't really make much difference what the evidence is, if people are determined to believe a particular history.
