The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90750   Message #1732199
Posted By: Chief Chaos
02-May-06 - 01:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: The History of England part one.
Subject: RE: BS: The History of England part one.
Recent experiments with woad recipes taken from the long and winding woad have confirmed it's halucinogenic properties. The results of these experiments are rather puzzling. Approx. 33% report that they took fantastic journeys through space and time but woke up in exactly the same place (hence the claim that it is the "Woad to Nowhere"). another 33% all seem to have experienced an epiphany of sorts claiming a feeling of warmth, belonging, forgiveness and love. They claim that it is the "Woad to Redmeption". The remaining 34% claim to have experienced a little of both which has led them to say they are going "Down to the Crosswoads"