The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #17816 Message #173239
Posted By: Sorcha
03-Feb-00 - 10:05 PM
Thread Name: Should registration be required or not?
Subject: RE: Should registration be required or not?
Well, since it's you IT thinks is me, and we both know better, this one is funny. I hate to see the Mudcat go private, but it is not that big a deal to have to register a REAL e-mail address with the ADMIN, then he at least, knows who is posting and can control a little more if he wants to. Even I, as 'puter illiterate as I am, have figured out that if I want to post as someone else, all I have to do is delete cookies/temp internet file, post as GUEST*****, re-set my cookie, and I'm Sorcha again. "GUEST" is not the solution, but I don't know what is. How exclusive does the Mudcat want to be? I have read the other thread about exclusivity, and, being a Newbie, certainly don't want to cut out anybody who is seriously interested, but IT is doing that all by IT'S SELF. Sorcha, who is me, and answers to Sorcha