The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91162   Message #1733316
Posted By: GUEST,AR282
04-May-06 - 08:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Unforgettable Scenes In Movies
Subject: RE: BS: Unforgettable Scenes In Movies
>>The Twilight Zone when Shatner opens the curtain on the plane and something has its nose pressed against the window. I shrieked so loud that my father came in and turned off the TV.<<

Never underestimate the power of overacting.

I love the entire ending of 2001, when Bowman is transforming into the New Man.

I like the end of "Phase IV" it was better than the book.

There's a sad scene in "Brazil" where Jonathan Pryce is trying to escape from the Gestapo-like police of the future and a girl tells him he can take this car that's sitting there so Pryce thanks her and jumps in but notices how sad-faced she is so he asks her, "What are doing here?" and she says, "I'm waiting for my daddy." Pryce just nods and continues on his way. If you saw the movie, you know why it's a sad scene.