The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91214   Message #1733827
Posted By: kytrad (Jean Ritchie)
06-May-06 - 12:28 AM
Thread Name: Video: Too Many Shadows (Jean Ritchie/kytrad)
Subject: RE: Old-ish video-Too Many Shadows (kytrad)
Why did I write a country song? One night we went into a Greenwich Village coffe house, and in one of the booths sat Johnny Cash with friends. He greeted me with, "Hello there, Jean- when're you gonna write me a song?" I thought about,"Too Many Shadows, as it had been coming to me already, so I went home and in a few days finished and sent it to him, done to the chuck-chucka-chuck-chucka chuck rhythm that he liked. Well, I guess he didn't think much of it, but soon afterward recorded, "The L&N Don't Stop Here Anymore," which June had recorded previously. "Shadows" hung around for awhile, unsung, but when we did the None But One album I thought of it again- something like, "...if no one else is going to sing it Jean, why not sing it yourself?" Learnt a few lessons there...more humility for one thing, followed an un-supression of pride in something I felt was-well, a pretty good song. MY feeling now- doesn't mean it's shared by others.