The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91184   Message #1734586
Posted By: The Shambles
07-May-06 - 01:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is closing threads censorship?
Subject: RE: BS: Is closing threads censorship?
Censorship and attitude rolled into one

The above thread was closed. Among other things (which it would appear that our protectors would rather we did not see) in this thread were the following links. All these threads were started at different times, by different posters, are on different subjects and all have received many posts - but all the first thread linked to, have now been closed.

Music posts by Guests to be reviewed
Proposal for members only posting of BS
I may disagree with what you say-
Your favourite Shamblism
Why all the closed threads?
Non posting of judgements week
Do we need to curb the troublemakers
Do you need to be censored
Censorship and Attitude rolled into TWO

The only thing that is clear from all the posts in these threads is that there are two extreme views and that posters are quite clearly being asked by some of our moderators to support one and not the other. That is the conflict in which every poster is now encouraged to take sides in - every time action is taken and justification is publicly given and support for it sought.

A post expressing support for the status quo - will usually be met by one from a moderator saying thank you or well said etc.

A post seen not to be expressing support for the status quo - will be met with a different response and described (by our current Chief of the Mudcat Editing Team) and treated as a complaint post or an anti-Mudcat post.   

Now there must be some question if (some of) our moderators have any real intention of obtaining any form of peace - but see it not only in terms being seen to take part in the conflict - but to be seen to be on the winning side in this conflict.

Any moderator who is seen to indulge in any form of conflict or to openly support any side of it on our forum - is part of the problem and no part of any solution that involves an end to such conflict and division.