The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91230   Message #1735639
Posted By: Tannywheeler
08-May-06 - 06:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: tarheel's wife...
Subject: RE: BS: tarheel's wife...
Special healing ritual:
go to grocery store; bring home:
1 chicken
1 celery bunch
1 yellow onion
1 bunch carrots
1 bunch parsley
1 container bay leaves
1 jar whole peppercorns
1 container whole cloves
At home: get out big (stovetop compatible)pot, at least gallon-size. Open chicken wrapping, fish around in cavity for innards-bag and remove paper/cellophane/waxpaper stuff around/under/in chicken. Place chicken, neck, gizzard, heart in pot with half cup of cider vinegar or white wine. Break up 2 or 3 celery stems and place in pot. Leave skin on onion, cut it (from neck to root) in 4 roughly equal wedges; press one whole clove into each cut side of onion and place onion quarters in pot. Chunk up 2 carrots in 3 or 4 parts and place carrots in pot. Take 5 or 6 parsley stems, tear leaves into pot, break stems and place in pot. Place 2 whole bay leaves (fresh or whole) in pot. Place half teaspoon peppercorns in pot and about that much salt. Cover all ingredients with good water. Place pot on burner and light. Bring just to a boil, turn down to LOW simmer, cover & let cook for about 1annahaff hrs. Remove pot from heat. Place colander in bowl, remove chicken from pot and place in colander. Put pot back on burner. When chicken has cooled enough, remove skin, debone, putting meat in refrig. container with good lid. Put skin, bones, cartilege, etc. back in pot and let cook another hr annahaff. Turn off and let cool. Pour thru colander into storage container (liquid may be strained thru smaller strainers now). Wipe out pot. Put stock back into pot; if you have them, do more celery, onions, parsley, etc. Bring back to a boil, turn WAY down to simmer, and let reduce to about 2 thirds of orig. amt. of liquid. Strain, put in lidded container(s) for refrig. If serving immed., taste for salt. This is powerful medicine. Taken one warm cup at a time while resting, it can DRASTICALLY increase one's sense of well-being and bodily comfort. It is nap-inducing and peacefulness-enhancing. Always serve with salt shaker so patient can adjust to personal preference.          Tw