The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #17816   Message #173591
Posted By: GUEST,SeanM, posting from the great world o' work
04-Feb-00 - 01:39 PM
Thread Name: Should registration be required or not?
Subject: RE: Should registration be required or not?
Something else that needs to be remembered is that Max is working on several additions to the 'cat, all of which should make your lives a bit easier on the cat.

At one point, he mentioned filters. That will make almost all of this discussion moot. Don't like Guest posts? Use the filters to screen 'em out. Don't like healing threads? Use the filters to screen 'em out. Don't want to listen to anyone else but yourself? Use the filters, and screen EVERYONE out.

Registration is a last ditch solution for an open forum. Sadly, I think that the damage done as far as some of our better contributors that have left, can't be undone at this point. To salvage what's left of the community, I feel that we need to remain open... even if it means tolerating our local pack of infants who like nothing more than rolling in their own feces.

Max has a handle on it... he's announced that he's working on several ideas that will put the control of content in every individuals' hands.

I'm willing to wait it out.