The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91184   Message #1736035
Posted By: The Shambles
09-May-06 - 04:59 AM
Thread Name: BS: Is closing threads censorship?
Subject: RE: BS: Is closing threads censorship?
Dunno, Roger. As I see it, I sometimes disagree with people, but I'm not combative. It's the combative stuff that causes trouble at Mudcat. and I do believe that needs to be controlled.
Joe Offer

Shambles, go whine somewhere else, or maybe we should start threads about you and the sheep or something.
Joe Offer
But Shambles believes in this sort of thing, so I think that maybe this would be a good opportunity to smear his reputation. Shambles, I'm sick of you and your shit
Joe Offer.
Ah, Shambles - we make an exception for you, since you seem to think it's a good thing to have personal attacks. We want to keep you happy, after all. Your whining is so annoying.
Joe Offer
Yes, I think you may well be first on the list, my friend. It's time for you either to shut up, or to use a name and take responsibility for what you have to say. If you continue to refuse to use a name, you will be come a non-person around here, and every single message you post will be deleted.
Free speech is fine, but you're just a pain in the ass.
-Joe Offer-

Joe I know that you do not consider that exapmles of such posts from you are combative.
I know that you do not consider that such posts are setting an example that other posters will think acceptable and follow.
I know that you still expect our forum to accept that your imposed censorship of my postings are NOT personally motivated.

However, I suggest the evidence speaks for itself and your actions can have no remaining credibilty. So what do you intend to do about this and the effect this vain attempt, seemingly at all costs, to be seen to control every aspect of what others choose to post - is having on our forum?