The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91184   Message #1736159
Posted By: Ebbie
09-May-06 - 10:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: Is closing threads censorship?
Subject: RE: BS: Is closing threads censorship?
One more- just one more.

Anyone who has children knows the phenomenon of a child whin(g)eing and ranting and pleading and conniving alternately in an effort to get its way, even when the child was given a clear answer early on. It is an exceedingly frustrating and draining experience for the parent.

I've also read: Yes, God does answer prayers. It's just that sometimes we don't like the answer.

And no, I'm not really comparing us with children and Max/Joe and clones as our parents - or to God - but they are the ones who set and relay the rules here.