The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91184   Message #1736315
Posted By: The Shambles
09-May-06 - 02:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is closing threads censorship?
Subject: RE: BS: Is closing threads censorship?
Please critisize and disagree and bitch and moan all you want, I dig that.

You may claim to know better than Max what is best for this community, but he is the final arbiter, and he is not showing any sign of being displeased with the management he has set up.
Don T.

I of course make no such claim but Max is also NOT showing any sign of being pleased with the conduct of those he entrusted certain aspects of our forum to.

He has not agreed to our bouncer's latest proposal to limit the public's access to the BS section and for all guest postings to be 'reviewed' on the music section. Nor has he made any public reaction to their admitted failure to impose the peace they require without this latest proposal being accepted.

Do you see this as a vote of confidence for our current 'system' to continue to divide us?

Perhaps our forum will be told by Max what is now proposed to replace it - following the publicly admitted failure of our current 'system'? For I am sure that those currently imposing their judgement upon us would not want to continue imposing these failed measures.........?