The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91331   Message #1736368
Posted By: Nigel Parsons
09-May-06 - 03:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
As has been suggested above, words are not rude, merely the use to which they are put. I thought I'd used this quiz here before, but couldn't find it. Please note that none of the answers are swear words (but if you wish to be offended they all could be



1        Who served as Chief Economic advisor to the (UK) treasury from 1999 to July 2004?
2        What word means to raise the water level in a stream or river by creating a blockage downstream?
3        What do engineers do to quickly remove rock when excavating a tunnel?
4        Apart from 'Hobo', what is another American tern for a tramp?
5        What word means to prepare a handgun for firing, by raising the hammer?
6        What word describes a file, or rasp graded between rough and fine?
7        Ayatollah Khomeini was a cleric of which branch of Islam?
8        What word can describe someone who locates surreptitious listening devices for espionage?
9        In A Midsummer Night's Dream, Bottom the weaver is given the head of which creature?
10        Which bird can be seen in Britain with types called 'Blue', 'Grey' & 'Coal'?
11        What word describes either an undercooked piece of meat, or a savage battle?
12        What is the popular dice game played in America?
13        Who is the best-known character created by A.A.Milne?
14        What word was previously used to describe pound notes?
15        What word describes either detractors, or pieces of front door furniture?
16        What term describes those who rend horse-flesh for the meat trade?
17        And what name describes repairers of shoes?
18        What word describes a plant coming into flower?
19        Which forename is often used as a slang term for a private detective?
20        In times of national emergency, which arm of the (UK) services provides emergency telephone services?