The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91091   Message #1737355
Posted By: GUEST,Brendy
10-May-06 - 02:26 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: IPaddy Molony Commisar of Orirish Musak?
Subject: "We'll have none of that Bothy Band stuff in here"
Isn't that always the quandry, Declan?
... trying to figure out what someone means....?

And indeed, as you so eloquently prove; attention to detail is important

It is also why I (for my part) find it hard to figure out why sorefingers has such difficulty with, for instance, time signatures.

It would be interesting to hear his take on De Danann's 'Hey Jude', and what he thought Sean Maguire was up to all that time...

