The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91375   Message #1737522
Posted By: mg
10-May-06 - 06:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Defining terms: Liberal/Conservative
Subject: RE: BS: Defining terms: Liberal/Conservative
I don't know what I am called (politely). I believe in a strong safety net for those who can not work, work provided for those who could but for whatever reason can not find it by themselves, strong education with absolutely mandatory occupational/vocational education for every single person, mandatory drug testing for anyone receiving any public money whatsoever, including student grants, public housing, Medicare etc. (include the whole entire population if you would prefer). I believe in strong police force, strong military backing up diplomatic efforts. I believe we have gotten totally irresponsible about reproduction and hear way too much about everyone's rights and choices and not enough about how they are not just costing citizens their hard-earned money, but endangering people by bringing babies into circumstances that are unwholesome often as well as poverty-stricken. I am not a compassionate conservative for sure. I am a hard-ass liberal more. I want people to have the help they need, that I or my family might need some day, and I want them to behave themselves and not cause further problems by their behavior. I think there is no choice between social services and military preparedness. We need both. What we do not need is countless people in jail, on drugs, and having babies out of wedlock. mg