The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91214   Message #1737534
Posted By: kytrad (Jean Ritchie)
10-May-06 - 06:39 PM
Thread Name: Video: Too Many Shadows (Jean Ritchie/kytrad)
Subject: RE: WATCH/LISTEN-Oldish Video-TooManyShadows(kytrad)
Thanks for that picture of Yahoo Falls, Spaw- I can't believe I never knew they existed! But if they're near Whitley City they must also be quite near to Cumberland Falls- which gets all the publicity what with its moonbow...I had my first two college years at Cumberland College, Williamsburg, KY before my UK days, and the falls' moonbow inspired many an attractive (and romantic) Sunday evening drive!

The video was George's idea- he's the one who always pushed me to do things for the sake of "publicity;" I never wanted to, somehow. Well, also George was maybe a little put-out with Johnny Cash for ignoring the song- and so many others of our friends loved it, as we did. I, because it WAS a little different than my usual style (Kat have you listened to the title song, "None But One"? Now that jam session- (Eric Weissburg's "Deliverance" band- should have REALLY surprised you!) Anyway- George wanted to show off the song, and talked me into doing the video, just for us and friends (and he'd send one to JC).

The location is our back woods right here in the middle of our little LI town. We're working by the creek- our house is straight up the hill, about 3-4 hundred yards, and unseen by the camera. No Yahoo Falls, just a little branch, emptying into Manhasset Bay. You know, we bought this place because it reminded me of Kentucky! It was George's eye that found the shady path, the cool shadows, the trees and trembling waters- he's a great photographer. All I did was walk through his scenes and sing the song. Oh,and he says tell you that he made it on the Amiga, the first computer on which one could do home video editing- gosh, that must make the video older than my speculated 15 years I guess.

And I will not tell you how many times he hollered at me,"DON'T WALK SO FAST"..."LOOK SAD- STOP SMILING"...and too many times, "AARG- GOTTA DO THAT OVER-I(YOU)GOOFED!" I'm telling you it was hard to keep looking serene- I was ready to sacrifice the guitar over his head by the time we finished (several days in the making). Now, after not looking at it for all these years, I'm so glad we did it. And thank you-all for listening!